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1. Foundations and Futures research

Sustainability on TikTok

Our expertise helps brands understand the intricate cultural and commercial landscapes of a city, community or category.

By establishing solid groundwork for innovation and gaining insights into future trajectories, we prepare for forthcoming opportunities and potential challenges.

How we do it:
Trends research, semiotics, sector and cultural expert interviews, competitor analysis, team immersions and survey studies.

2. Audience Definition

The Friendship Report for Snap

We bridge the gap between brands and their core audiences, including the communities that influence and define their principles and preferences.

By vividly portraying the experiences of these groups, we encourage meaningful dialogue and innovation, envisioning opportunities that enable your brand to leave a lasting impression.

How we do it:
Early adopter recruitment, qualitative audience research, ethnographic fieldwork URL and IRL, segmentations, muse studies and films.

3. Brand Strategy

We define strategies for collaborations, product innovations, and creative endeavours that both advance culture and maintain a solid commercial foundation.

This involves tuning into audiences and finding inspiration from the cultural fringe, ensuring a dynamic and forward-thinking approach.

How we do it:
Community partnership strategy, campaign creative evaluations, innovation opportunities, purpose and positioning definition.

4. Innovation Sprints

We develop efficient culture and consumer-inspired programs designed to enhance and offer immediate insights into ongoing projects.

Utilising our extensive network and deep-seated knowledge, we drive progress through nimble and strategic initiatives.

How we do it:
Consumer workshops, co-creation sprints, expert creative evaluation, mini-ethnographic field trips, trends inspiration.

5. Thought Leadership

Dirty Words #4: Community

We transform our collective insights with communities and brands into valuable resources for both client teams and broader audiences.

Focused on advancing industry dialogue and inspiring our clients, we create engaging publications, films, and discussions that address the intersections and tensions between culture and commerce.

How we do it:
Cultural catalyst and community leader panels and ideation, Dirty Words reports and workshops, insights storytelling and films.

Here are some examples of recent challenges we’ve loved working on:

Nike: Communities

Understand communities beyond sport by identifying, recruiting and connecting with people at the forefront of influence in global cities.

Nike: Communities
Snapchat: Friendship

Paint a picture of what friendship means for generations across the globe. We carried out a global research study with Snap Inc. to create a statistically sound white label report.

Snapchat: Friendship
Nike: Materials

The goal: understand how Nike should position their sustainable material innovations for the savvy early adopter streetwear enthusiasts

Nike: Materials

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